1. Vacation Bible School (VBS) – Every summer, we organize a one-week, half day VBS
program. Volunteers are needed to plan, organize, and execute this important program.
2. Peanut cooking/packaging/sales – Our Methodist Men need help cooking, packaging,
and/or selling our famous peanuts across the Triangle and Triad. Funds are used to
support local community and church activities.
3. Preschool volunteers – Our half-day preschool needs volunteers for one or more days
each week to provide a variety of support roles for our teachers.
4. Choir member – Our Chancel choir practices and sings weekly at the 10AM worship
service and has openings for all choral parts (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Bass). No
auditions are required, just a love for singing.
5. Sound/Video support – We have a dedicated group of individuals who provide audio
and video support services for all performances at the church. Volunteers are needed to
setup and operate equipment as needed for church and/or community activities.
6. Shelter Meals – Every month, we prepare and serve meals for homeless individuals
staying at the Durham Community Shelter in downtown Durham. Volunteers are needed
to purchase, cook, and/or serve meals each month.